We received Marios Hadjiaros, PhD student of Prof Constantinos Pattichis from the University Of Cyprus on Thursday, May 12th, 2022 for a work visit and exchange of expertise at the AUTH Medical Physics & Digital Innovation Lab.
Mr. Hadjiaros is working on his Ph.D. project on Brain-Computer Interfaces and motor imagery and its cognitive associations under Prof. Pattichis, a long-term colleague and friend of AUTH Medical Physics & Digital Innovation Lab.
Prof. Panagiotis Bamidis, Dr. Alkinoos Athanasiou, Dr. Panagiotis Antoniou, Research Associates Kostantinos Mitsopoulos, Apostolos Praftsiotis, George Lyssas, members of the BERD team, Heroes Project & Neurosuitup project discussed on aspects of BCI development, VRE, VR, AR, MR, XR, and motor rehabilitation.